Christina Aguilera gästar 'Live with Regis and Kelly'

2011-05-30, 18:55:51 TV-framträdande Kommentarer (0) bloglovin

TV Guide: Secrets of The Voice

2011-05-30, 14:04:44 The Voice Kommentarer (0) bloglovin

The Voice; Battle round 4 preview

2011-05-28, 08:54:33 The Voice Kommentarer (0) bloglovin

Christina Aguilera på väg till tandläkaren med Max 27/5

2011-05-28, 08:45:44 Senaste nytt Kommentarer (0) bloglovin

US Weekly

2011-05-27, 19:28:04 Senaste nytt Kommentarer (0) bloglovin

Osteria Mozza

Efter att ha medverkat på 'Jimmy Kimmel Show' sågs Christina Aguilera och pojkvännen Matt Ruthler äta på restaurangen Osteria Mozza o Los Angeles.

Kolla in hennes medverkan i 'Jimmy Kimmel Show' HÄR.

2011-05-27, 13:52:31 Senaste nytt Kommentarer (0) bloglovin

Christina Aguilera gästar 'Jimmy Kimmel Show'

2011-05-27, 10:10:57 TV-framträdande Kommentarer (0) bloglovin

Christina Aguilera anländer till 'Jimmy Kimmel Show'

2011-05-27, 10:09:03 Senaste nytt Kommentarer (0) bloglovin

Christina Aguilera twittrar

2011-05-26, 23:38:39 Twitter Kommentarer (0) bloglovin

Christina Aguilera twittrar

2011-05-25, 18:22:00 Twitter Kommentarer (1) bloglovin

The Vocie; avsnitt 5


Se tidigare avsnitt här:

Avsnitt 1
Avsnitt 2
Avsnitt 3
Avsnitt 4

2011-05-25, 14:21:20 The Voice Kommentarer (0) bloglovin

Christina Aguilera samarbetar med Scott Storch

Musikproducenten Scott Storch har nu själv bekräftat att han jobbar på Christina Aguileras nya skiva. Detta kom som en överraskning då de har varit ovänner under en längre tid. Men det verkar som att problemen är lösta och att de har gått vidare.

Såhär säger han om samarbetet: "I'm focusing my energy on Christina Aguilera right now. We did an album once before and it did very well. It's time to do it again!"

Scott Stoch har tidigare varit med och producerat många av låtarna till Christina Aguileras skiva Stripped, bland annat Fighter och Walk Away.

2011-05-25, 14:03:22 Senaste nytt Kommentarer (0) bloglovin

Max och pappa Jordan 21/5

2011-05-25, 13:53:52 Max Liron Bratman Kommentarer (0) bloglovin

Christina Aguilera och Keizo Nakanishi - All I Wanna Do

Ett klipp från 1997 med Christina Aguilera har dykt upp på Youtube där hon framträder 'All I Wanna Do', en låt som hon spelade in tillsammans med den japanska sångaren Keizo Nakanishi. Hon var bara 17 år gammal men lät helt fantastiskt redan då.

2011-05-24, 10:53:32 Senaste nytt Kommentarer (0) bloglovin

Christina Aguilera Vs. Kat Graham Vs. Beyoncé Vs. Madonna Vs. Dev

Mashup med följande låtar:

Christina Aguilera -- You Lost Me (Hex Hector Mac Quayle Remix)
Kat Graham -- I Want It All
Beyoncé -- Girls (Who Run The World)
Madonna -- Get Together
Dev ft. The Cataracs -- Bass Down Low

2011-05-24, 10:41:24 Senaste nytt Kommentarer (0) bloglovin

The Voice; Battle round 3 preview

2011-05-24, 07:41:11 The Voice Kommentarer (0) bloglovin



Nu går det att lyssna på hela Christina Aguileras låt Nasty som hon har gjort tillsammans med Cee Lo Green. Såhär säger Cee Lo om samarbetet:


“We did a song together about a few years ago. It actually was supposed to make the Burlesque soundtrack, but it didn’t make it. But I’ve been seeing people tweet about it lately so I think they’re going to release it."

2011-05-23, 19:09:29 Senaste nytt Kommentarer (0) bloglovin

Christina Aguilera tillbaka i Los Angeles

Christina Aguilera har nu spenderat ett par veckor i New York där hon bland annat hann med att medverka i 'The Late Show with Letterman', 'The Today Show' och 'NBC Upfronts'.

Men nu är Christina tillbaka i L.A. Hon sågs landa på LAX tillsammans med sonen Max och pojkvännen Matt.

2011-05-23, 09:15:41 Senaste nytt Kommentarer (0) bloglovin

TV4 börjar sända 'The Voice'

TV4 har nu köpt in succéprogrammet The Voice, där Christina Aguilera är en av de fyra coacherna. Såhär skriver TV4 på sin hemsida:


Nu är det klart att TV4 köper succéformatet The voice som rönt stora framgångar runt om i världen.

- Vi är mycket stolta och glada över att ha säkrat rättigheterna till detta fantastiska program. Tillsammans med Idol och X-factor så är The voice det absolut starkaste som finns i musikgenren och nu blir TV4 hemvist för samtliga dessa tre världsformat, säger TV4:s programchef Fredrik Arefalk.

The voice är formatet som sätter rösterna i fokus. I tre olika tävlingsmoment ska den bästa rösten utses. Tävlingen startar med en så kallad blindaudition där fyra kända coacher endast kan höra den tävlandes röst. Coacherna väljer talanger till sitt eget team. Dessa blindauditions följs sedan av momentet battle rounds där talangerna sjunger för att få stanna kvar i tävlingen. Programmet avslutas sedan med liveprogram där de en efter en får lämna programmet. Tillslut tävlar fyra fantastiska röster mot varandra i en storslagen final. Under liveprogrammen har tittarna möjlighet att påverka resultatet genom att rösta på sin favorit.

-Det unika inslaget i The voice med blindauditions där de fyra coacherna bedömer talangerna endast utifrån deras röster är ett oerhört starkt och tilltalande moment som särskiljer The voice från allt annat vi sett tidigare, säger TV4:s programchef Fredrik Arefalk.

The voice har rönt stora framgångar runt om i världen och blivit en megasuccé på NBC i USA med coacherna Christina Aguilera, Adam Levine, Blake Shelton och Cee Lo Green. I Nederländerna är The voice en enorm tittarframgång med de bästa siffrorna på nederländsk tv på primetime under 2010.

Nordisk Film TV producerar. Universal Music är samarbetspartner. Talpa är formatsägare

2011-05-19, 13:28:48 The Voice Kommentarer (3) bloglovin

Christina Aguilera och Matt Ruthler

2011-05-19, 13:20:36 Senaste nytt Kommentarer (0) bloglovin

Patricia Sheridan's Breakfast With... Christina Aguilera

En liten intervju med Christina Aguilera.

As a team leader on "The Voice" you see people desperate to be recognized for their talent to finally make it. Was it a little different for you since you started so young?
Well, I wouldn't quite say that. It's been a long road. I mean when you start at 6 years old, even that young, you know I kind of had this goal and aspiration to make a record and become a recording artist. Ten years later, I am making that record and that dream finally comes true, but it's a whole other thing to make it. Of course, you have your naysayers along the way, but it almost gives you that much more desire and passion and drive to go for what you want. That's what's so great about this show. You get to be that mentor for these people and be a part of their journey and hopefully start their journey. The great thing I love about the people on the panel is we all have massive tour experience and a lot of experience on stage. We know the ups and the downs and the things that can go wrong. I always say I wish there was a show like this when I was first starting. You get so much great advice up front.
All these contestants want stardom, but life changes once it's achieved. How did you learn to deal with the white hot spotlight?
I think certain people are just meant to do certain things. Since I was little, obviously, I had this specific focus and specific goal. Sort of the fact that I had been on "Star Search" when I was little and on the "Mickey Mouse Club," having that background sometimes gives you a little bit of a head start in knowing what it feels like to have all eyes on you. I sort of grew up with a little taste of that. But yes, on a wide spectrum it can be really crazy and make you feel really vulnerable. That's why sometimes when you are in this business it's easy to, especially when you are female and you are starting out so young, to be susceptible to sharks. Growing up so fast in this business [you] put up certain walls and certain guards to protect yourself. It's what you have to do. You learn the hard way early on. It has its ups and downs. It definitely has its perks, but you have to really want it. It's one thing to talk about "Oh I want to be famous," but there's a lot of work, a lot of hard work and a lot of dedication and travel and exhaustion that goes along with it. It's nice, too, that I get to come from that place of, "Hey I've had some rocky times and good times." Any successful person in this business will tell you everyone has their moments of highs and lows. You've got to roll with the punches. That's why before you even start this dream you have to know inside you have what it takes -- to be cut out for the hard work. It's a whole different thing when it actually starts happening and you start getting involved in this whirlwind.
Do you believe in destiny?
I do, I believe everything happens for a reason, for sure. What I love about this show's concept, [is] it brings it right down to the voice. There are certain people for sure that when we turn our chair around and we see them it is definitely not what we expected or pictured in our heads. That's the beauty of what the show is about. It is a chance to take music back to its original form, before music videos, marketing and strategy and things like that. ... It's about getting down to the nitty-gritty when you had your Billie Holidays and Nina Simones and you really didn't have an opportunity to constantly get in touch with what they are doing or tweeting and all this stuff. [laughs] You literally had to go by what they sounded like. That's what I Ioved about those first couple of episodes of the blind auditions. I think I was more nervous than the contestants. You hear their footsteps and you have no idea who is about to perform. You know that they're nervous and everything is dead quiet.
Tell me about the nerves. Do you have to wait for an audience reaction for them to subside?
Oh no, I've performed for great audiences and more dull audiences. I mean it's just gonna happen within the course of touring and your career. The most fun crowds are obviously the ones that really reciprocate what you're doing and receive you and give you that love back. But I've worked for really quiet rooms before. You know, Japanese audiences are typically quieter. Sometimes it's just based on culture. You still find it within yourself to be the performer that you are. And, yeah, before I hit that stage I think it's natural to have nerves. I get really, really super nervous, but I think that's part of the build-up, the butterflies and what gives you that momentum to get on that stage and do what you love to do best. Once I'm out there, you sort of lose yourself in the moment. Or try to anyway, based on the emotion of what you're doing.
Do you get lost in the lyrics or is it more the melody?
It can be anything given the time or the place and the place in your own mind, you know? Certain thoughts running through your head. My grandma was pretty much my mentor and the one who coached me. She always said, "You've got to lose yourself and find that moment in what you are doing and get passionately involved with it. Just lose yourself." I love that. Of course there's a level of sometimes losing yourself too much. I've had my high heel get caught in a fishnet as I'm coming off a stair on stage. [laughing] It's like what do you do then? I plopped on the floor, put my hands up in the air and said "Hey what can you do?" and I got on with my song. That's what you've got to do -- roll with it.
So you can't be an emotionally fragile person and be in show business?
I think the most fragile people are actually drawn to this business. Creative people, I think, are exceptionally sensitive. What it boils down to is you love to do what you do so much. You love the stage and you love just giving to an audience and feeling those good moments that outweighs any of the bad -- all of the bad -- because you have such a love for it. I think it's survival of the fittest as far as where your head space is in how determined and driven you are. I definitely had a fire instilled in me since I was really young.
Was it your grandmother who said, "Hey, she's got a voice!"
She actually was, she was the one who took it more seriously and definitely wanted me to be able to share what I love to do. I would sing to myself all the time, but she was the one who was like, "Hey maybe we should let her start performing." I started doing things for fun as a kid, like pool parties and then graduated to weddings and things like that. She was just an amazing woman and truly supportive and proud. She would drag anyone off the street to come listen to her granddaughter sing.
You came from a modest background, so was it a challenge to adjust to the wealth that comes with fame?
[Laughing.] I mean there are definite perks. You know, my mom always did teach me to stay pretty grounded -- to never take anything for granted. The minute that you do it could all be taken away from you. You know some things are more successful than others. Everyone has that moment no matter what business you are in, no matter what you're doing. Would I say it was difficult to adjust? You are just playing with bigger chips, but we all have the same sort of problems. I think the biggest thing to adjust to is the people that end up changing around you because of the money. And the people that come out of the woodwork and all of a sudden you start feeling like people are around you for the wrong reasons because they want something from you. It's sad. It's a sad adjustment and realization to feel the people around you, who you thought you could trust, sort of change a little bit. But other than that it's been great. I get to support [my mother] and make sure that she is very well taken care of and to help my family, to help people around me whenever I need to. And to buy the right pair of shoes and handbag when I want to is pretty nice, as well. [laughing]

2011-05-19, 08:11:58 Senaste nytt Kommentarer (0) bloglovin

Christina Aguilera twittrar

2011-05-18, 19:24:54 Twitter Kommentarer (0) bloglovin

Christina Aguilera och en sovande Max

Christina Aguilera sågs utanför sitt hotell med en sovande Max i famnen.

2011-05-18, 19:23:45 Senaste nytt Kommentarer (0) bloglovin

The Voice; avsnitt 4

Se tidigare avsnitt här:
Avsnitt 1
Avsnitt 2
Avsnitt 3

2011-05-18, 11:13:36 The Voice Kommentarer (0) bloglovin

The Voice; Battle round 2 preview



2011-05-17, 23:23:00 The Voice Kommentarer (0) bloglovin

Christina Aguilera - Nasty feat. Cee Lo Green


Häromdagen publicerade jag ett klipp (samma som ovan) med en ny låt av Christina Aguilera. Med tanke på att hon just nu spelar in en ny skiva har det spekulerats om låten faktiskt är en ny låt från den kommande skivan. Andra menar att låten var tänkt att hamna på Back To Basics. Nu har Cee Lo Green själv bekräftat att han och Christina spelade in låten tillsammans för några år sedan och att låten var tänkt att komma med soundtracket till filmen Burlesque. Nu när låten cirkulerar på internet finns det en möjlighet att den eventuellt kommer att släppas som singel.

2011-05-17, 17:46:05 Senaste nytt Kommentarer (0) bloglovin

Christina Aguilera gästar 'The Today Show' 17/5

TODAY Aguilera talks highs, lows, ‘The Voice’ by rafaao

2011-05-17, 17:25:16 Senaste nytt Kommentarer (0) bloglovin

Christina Aguilera anländer till sitt hotel i NYC

Efter att Christina Aguilera hade gästat The Late Show with David Letterman sågs hon återvända till sitt hotel i New York City tillsammans med pojkvännen Matt Ruthler.

2011-05-17, 16:20:43 Senaste nytt Kommentarer (1) bloglovin

Christina Aguilera gästar 'The Late Show with David Letterman'

2011-05-17, 14:42:49 Senaste nytt Kommentarer (0) bloglovin

Christina Aguilera anländer till 'The Late Show with David Letterman' 16/5

2011-05-17, 14:40:04 Senaste nytt Kommentarer (0) bloglovin

Access Hollywood


I samband med NBC Upfronts fick Access Hollywood chansen att göra en kort intervju med Christina Aguilera. Kolla in klippet och hör vad hon har att säga om The Voice.

2011-05-17, 14:35:13 Senaste nytt Kommentarer (0) bloglovin

NBC Upfronts

Igår sågs Christina Aguilera anlända till NBC Upfronts, ett TV event där kanalen bland annat presenterar hur den kommande tv-säsongen kommer att se ut. Det är nu klart att det blir en till säsong av The Voice. Huruvida Christina Aguilera kommer att fortsätta som coach återstå att se.

2011-05-17, 09:03:15 Senaste nytt Kommentarer (0) bloglovin

Ny låt med Christina Aguilera


Nyligen har det läckt ut en ny låt med Christina Aguilera. Det spekulerats för fullt om låten egentligen var tänkt att hamna på Back To Basics eller om det faktiskt är en ny låt där hon har samarbetat med Cee Lo Green. Hur det än ligger till så är låten riktigt bra.


2011-05-16, 14:08:20 Senaste nytt Kommentarer (0) bloglovin

Christina och Max lämnar sitt hotel i NYC 13/5

2011-05-14, 08:59:07 Senaste nytt Kommentarer (2) bloglovin

Carson Daly försvarar Christina mot divarykterna


På senaste tid har både kändisbloggaren Perez Hilton och tidningen In Touch Weekly rapporterat om att Christina Aguilera skulle vara en riktig diva på inspelningsplatsen av The Voice. Nu har programledaren till The Voice Carson Daly gått ut och sagt att dessa rykten inte är sanna. Kolla in klippet där Carson Daly konfronterar Perez Hilton.

2011-05-13, 13:33:43 Senaste nytt Kommentarer (0) bloglovin

Christina Aguilera twittrar

Klicka HÄR för att se frågorna.

2011-05-12, 20:56:03 Twitter Kommentarer (0) bloglovin

Christina och Max i NYC

2011-05-12, 14:09:02 Senaste nytt Kommentarer (0) bloglovin

Max Bratman på LAX

Jordan och Max Bratman sågs häromdagen på Los Angeles flygplats. Kanske på väg till mamma i New York?

2011-05-12, 08:46:05 Senaste nytt Kommentarer (1) bloglovin

Christina Aguilera twittrar

Kan ni svaren? Svaren kommer upp senare ikväll.

2011-05-12, 08:33:43 Twitter Kommentarer (0) bloglovin

Christina Aguilera i Latina Magazine

Being on TV every week must give you a chance to do fun things with your hair and make-up. In what ways can we expect to see you play with your style?

That is the part of the business that us girls love! It is like playing dress up every day of the week. For this show because of the hours and the work we put in mentoring we can’t play as much as we would on say a music video or an album look but it is still fun. The one thing that stinks is it takes the boys about 10 minutes to get ready compared to me.
Disappointment and rejection are a normal part of this business. How do you draw on some of your tougher personal experiences as an artist to mentor the contestants?
That was one of the very reasons I took this show on. I really felt like I wanted a connection with artists just starting out. For me to be a mentor to someone else was so appealing. It isn’t everyday you get the chance to work with someone that can say, “I have been there, I can relate.” That type of advice that me, Adam, Cee Lo and Blake can share is really special.
You must have some great wisdom since you’ve been famous since you were a child. What advice are you going to give your younger singers like 16-year-old Raquel Castro?
I love having some of the younger artists on my team. I see parts of me in each member and I do feel when I tell them I have been there they believe me. it is a wonderful connection to have.
Why was the blind audition aspect for the show so important to you when deciding whether or not to do The Voice?
The blind audition is a concept that really appealed to me and it really makes the show unique. It allows us to pick our teams based on the VOICE only and it really made all the difference.
How does it feel to be back doing TV as an adult, and what do you love about it that’s different from doing movies? Did the fact that it was reality TV appeal to you more than scripted TV, and would you be open to doing more scripted stuff?
This was the first time since Mickey Mouse that I have been back on TV on a regular basis. I really love it. Obviously music is my first passion and I did enjoy working on film, but TV brings an element of something personal. People are inviting us into their homes every week. It has a more intimate feel.

2011-05-11, 22:31:29 Senaste nytt Kommentarer (1) bloglovin

Christina fortfarande i NYC

2011-05-11, 22:20:20 Senaste nytt Kommentarer (0) bloglovin

Vem bar den bäst: Christina eller Kristen?

2011-05-11, 14:18:57 Senaste nytt Kommentarer (0) bloglovin

The Voice; andra och tredje avsnitten

2011-05-11, 09:40:42 The Voice Kommentarer (0) bloglovin

The Voice; Battle round



Kolla in de olika klippen för att se vad som kommer att hända i nästa avsnitt av The Voice.

2011-05-09, 10:23:54 The Voice Kommentarer (0) bloglovin

Christina och Matt

Christina Aguilera och pojkvännen Matt Ruthler såg glada ut när de lämnade fotograferingen som Christina hade gjort häromdagen för tidningen W.

2011-05-09, 10:18:42 Senaste nytt Kommentarer (0) bloglovin

Christina Aguilera twittrar

2011-05-08, 11:44:26 Twitter Kommentarer (0) bloglovin

DJ Premier

Sia Furler verkar inte vara den enda som Christina Aguilera kommer att samarbeta med till sitt kommande skiva. DJ Premier har nu bekräftat att han också kommer att vara med på skivan. DJ Premier har tidigare samarbetat med Christina Aguilera på hennes Back To Basics-skiva. Sppännande!

2011-05-05, 13:36:24 Senaste nytt Kommentarer (0) bloglovin

Christina i NYC

Christina Aguilera och pojkvännen Matt Ruthler befinner sig just nu i New York City. De senaste dagarna har man sett de två tillsammans med New Yorks gator.

2011-05-05, 13:17:44 Senaste nytt Kommentarer (0) bloglovin

Ellen DeGeneres parodi på The Voice

2011-05-04, 15:20:30 The Voice Kommentarer (0) bloglovin

Mary J. Blige Honors Benefit Concert

Christina Aguilera befinner sig just nu i New York City där hon bland annat närvade vid Mary J. Blige Honors Benefit Concert. Kolla in klippet nedan där Christina Aguilera framförde låten Beautiful. Bildkvalitén är inte den bästa men ljudet är helt okej.

2011-05-04, 12:31:44 Senaste nytt Kommentarer (0) bloglovin

Christina på väg till NYC

Här anländer Christina Aguilera och pojkvännen Matt till LAX där de ska flyga till New York för att närvara vid en välgörenhetskonsert.

2011-05-03, 21:05:00 Senaste nytt Kommentarer (0) bloglovin

The Vocie; sneak peek

Kolla in vad som kommer att hända i veckans avsnitt av The Voice.

2011-05-03, 15:29:27 The Voice Kommentarer (0) bloglovin

Christina och Sia

Bilder på Christina och låtskrivaren Sia Furler från inspelningen av The Voice. De verkar ha roligt tillsammans.


2011-05-03, 13:04:07 The Voice Kommentarer (0) bloglovin

Matt och Christina på väg till restaurangen Boa Steakhouse 27/4

2011-05-03, 09:55:41 Senaste nytt Kommentarer (0) bloglovin