Ny låt med Christina Aguilera
Nyligen har det läckt ut en ny låt med Christina Aguilera. Det spekulerats för fullt om låten egentligen var tänkt att hamna på Back To Basics eller om det faktiskt är en ny låt där hon har samarbetat med Cee Lo Green. Hur det än ligger till så är låten riktigt bra.
Christina och Max lämnar sitt hotel i NYC 13/5
Carson Daly försvarar Christina mot divarykterna
På senaste tid har både kändisbloggaren Perez Hilton och tidningen In Touch Weekly rapporterat om att Christina Aguilera skulle vara en riktig diva på inspelningsplatsen av The Voice. Nu har programledaren till The Voice Carson Daly gått ut och sagt att dessa rykten inte är sanna. Kolla in klippet där Carson Daly konfronterar Perez Hilton.
Max Bratman på LAX
Jordan och Max Bratman sågs häromdagen på Los Angeles flygplats. Kanske på väg till mamma i New York?
Christina Aguilera i Latina Magazine
Being on TV every week must give you a chance to do fun things with your hair and make-up. In what ways can we expect to see you play with your style?
That is the part of the business that us girls love! It is like playing dress up every day of the week. For this show because of the hours and the work we put in mentoring we can’t play as much as we would on say a music video or an album look but it is still fun. The one thing that stinks is it takes the boys about 10 minutes to get ready compared to me.Disappointment and rejection are a normal part of this business. How do you draw on some of your tougher personal experiences as an artist to mentor the contestants?
That was one of the very reasons I took this show on. I really felt like I wanted a connection with artists just starting out. For me to be a mentor to someone else was so appealing. It isn’t everyday you get the chance to work with someone that can say, “I have been there, I can relate.” That type of advice that me, Adam, Cee Lo and Blake can share is really special.You must have some great wisdom since you’ve been famous since you were a child. What advice are you going to give your younger singers like 16-year-old Raquel Castro?
I love having some of the younger artists on my team. I see parts of me in each member and I do feel when I tell them I have been there they believe me. it is a wonderful connection to have.Why was the blind audition aspect for the show so important to you when deciding whether or not to do The Voice?
The blind audition is a concept that really appealed to me and it really makes the show unique. It allows us to pick our teams based on the VOICE only and it really made all the difference.How does it feel to be back doing TV as an adult, and what do you love about it that’s different from doing movies? Did the fact that it was reality TV appeal to you more than scripted TV, and would you be open to doing more scripted stuff?
This was the first time since Mickey Mouse that I have been back on TV on a regular basis. I really love it. Obviously music is my first passion and I did enjoy working on film, but TV brings an element of something personal. People are inviting us into their homes every week. It has a more intimate feel.
Vem bar den bäst: Christina eller Kristen?
Christina och Matt
Christina Aguilera och pojkvännen Matt Ruthler såg glada ut när de lämnade fotograferingen som Christina hade gjort häromdagen för tidningen W.
DJ Premier
Christina i NYC
Mary J. Blige Honors Benefit Concert
Christina på väg till NYC
Här anländer Christina Aguilera och pojkvännen Matt till LAX där de ska flyga till New York för att närvara vid en välgörenhetskonsert.
Matt och Christina på väg till restaurangen Boa Steakhouse 27/4
Ny skiva på gång
Spännande! Vi får hålla tummarna på att det inte dröjer allt för länge.
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